Saturday, 8 May 2010

princeton theological seminary book sale

Princeton Theological Seminary is holding a massive book sale at the moment – which “providentially coincided” during my research visit here. Of course, as a book lover, I couldn’t miss the opportunity, so I went and bought the items below:

David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature
Wolfhart Pannenberg, Theology and the Kingdom of God; and Jesus: God-Man
Martin Buber, Between Man and Man; I and Thou; Paths in Utopia; and Good and Evil
Soren Kierkeegard, The Present Age
Plato’s Republic
Jaroslav Pelican, ed., The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought: A Reader
John Hick, The Existence of God
Emil Brunner, Faith Hope and Love; The Divine Imperative; Christian Doctrine of God, and Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption
Gustaf Aulen, Christus Victor
George Stroup, The Promise of Narrative Theology
E. Charles Heinze, Trinity and Triunity: Salvation and the Nature of the Godhead
Oskar Skarsaune, Incarnation: Myth of Fact?
Bernard of Clairvaux, The Love of God
Hans Kung, On Being a Christian

Easter: Peace and Forgiveness

Christ is risen! We are celebrating this. So in our gatherings there is a lot of great music, there is a celebratory spirit, there is a lo...